Sustainable Living Header Title - Sustainable Living

Environmental sustainability is about responsible management of our natural resources, which means using resources today in a way that maintains their supplies for the future. Environmental sustainability doesn’t mean living without luxuries but rather being aware of your resource consumption and reducing unnecessary waste.

Top Tips for Sustainable Living

Save Water

  • Turn the water off while you are brushing your teeth. Do not let it run continuously.
  • Have a short shower instead of a bath. It uses less water.
  • Ensure that you turn the taps off tightly to avoid dripping.
  • Instead of letting the tap run until the water gets cold, keep a jug of drinking water in the refrigerator.
  • Wait until you have a full load to run the dishwasher or washing machine.
  • If you can adjust the water level on your washing machine, ensure that you use only as much water as is necessary.
  • Promptly repair leaks in and around taps and faucets.
  • Place a plastic bottle filled with water in your toilet tank to reduce water use in the toilet.
  • Install water-flow-reducing attachments to faucets and showerheads to reduce water use.

Save Energy

  • Turn off lights when you leave a room.
  • Use the energy saver option or shortest cycle necessary on appliances.
  • If possible, line-dry your clothes outside in the summer.
  • Replace old light bulbs with more energy-efficient, longer-lasting bulbs.
  • Turn the temperature on your water heater down. Most homes do not need extremely hot water.
  • Ensure that windows and door frames are sealed properly to avoid heat or cool air from escaping.
  • Make sure your home is properly insulated to reduce the heating and cooling needed – and save you money at the same time!

Reduce Waste

  • Recycle. Find further uses for things instead of just discarding them. Be creative! Glass jars and plastic containers can be used to store bulk food and odds and ends.
  • Re-use. Re-use plastic grocery bags the next time you go shopping instead of bringing new ones home, or use them as garbage bags. Better yet, buy or make cloth shopping bags that can be used time and time again.
  • Cardboard boxes and paper bags can be used to store things or when packing items for your next move.
  • Donate household items, such as clothing, toys, and furniture, can be donated to social service or religious groups.
  • Compost. Create and maintain your own compost. Some cities have implemented not just a recycling service, but a compost service as well.

Be Consumer Wise

  • Buy in bulk to reduce waste.
  • Purchase products and services from companies that are environmentally conscious.
  • Purchase products that have been recycled or are recyclable. Keep your eyes open for reusable, recyclable or returnable packages.
  • Use less toxic cleaners, waxes, glues and adhesives, paints, paint removers, stains, etc.

Green Building

  • Use energy-efficient insulation products with high R-values for an efficient thermal envelope.
  • Use high efficiency windows to reduce air leaks.
  • Look up state and federal rebates for the use of energy efficient building products within your home.
  • Try to find locally sourced materials to minimize freight.


Energy savings per year by turning thermostat down while away


The average amount of money north american households can save on average per year by switching to LED lighting


of energy consumed is wasted by buildings


recycling rate in the USA


of waste in America goes to landfills

1 Trillion

Gallons of water wasted annually by household leaks in the USA


10% energy savings
LED saves money
Energy wasted by buildings
Recycle rate
Waste to landfill
Water waste